Easy Makes :: Kilner Jar Sewing Boxes






I love this new make of mine – a simple glass jar with a handmade pincushion hot-glued onto the lid keeping all my go-to sewing things in one place :: some thread, needle threader, seam ripper, needles and some scissors and shears. All the things I regularly use in an easy to carry along compartment.

I am particularly fond of having my own pincushion just for needles now, which were always hard to find in the forest of pins of my others.

I just LOVE this jar of mine. It’s just one of those things that defies explanation…. make one why don’t you?

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4 thoughts on “Easy Makes :: Kilner Jar Sewing Boxes

  1. Oh that is a great idea! It would be much handier to have a jar with just the essentials, rather than having to lug out and dig through my huge sewing box each time. I have a tea cup pin cushion like yours, and I also have a set of small plates that have the same pattern on as your tea cup!


  2. the cup has the handle missing, so that’s why it’s a pincushion! yes the jar is much easier than carrying a sewing box everywhere – I have a sewing box and hardly use it it’s so inconvenient….


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