The No-Quilt Quilt




This quilt of mine, envisaged in the winter months when it was probably needed, has started to take shape, finally.

The only thing that ever daunts, ney depresses, me when it comes to planning a quilt is knowing that at some point the batting needs to be tackled.



But unbearable as the prospect of fighting with a full-sized quilt on my normal-sized sewing machine seemed, the pull of vintage sheets adorning my bed was too strong, and I concocted a way of circumventing the pain of quilting whilst still having the affect of a quilt. Confused?



Quite simply I am quilting each block individually before sewing together. Once this is complete I have yet another vintage sheet which will be the quilt back and that will be tied to the top before the bias binding is handsewn into place.


So far the work is speedy and neat, and a lot less depressing than trying to get a camel through the eye of a sewing needle.

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7 thoughts on “The No-Quilt Quilt

  1. Its coming together so well, will look amazing when it is finished. I recognise some of the sheet’s from my childhood. I have felt overwhelmed at the thought of persuading a full sized quilt round the sewing machine!


  2. Lovely masha-Allah – What a good idea with the extra backing sheet – I’ve considered quilt-as-you-go but there’s a LOT of handsewing!


  3. I really like this. I’ve never accomplished a full-sized quilt despite numerous beginnings. I enjoy hand-sewing and I like the idea of working on these small pieces one at a time either in front of the sewing machine, or sitting in my rocking chair. Thanks for sharing.


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